
Using our purchasing power responsibly.

Our procurement policies

Attention suppliers to the London Fire Brigade: 

On 24th February 2025, the rules that govern our procurement processes changed. For information, click this link for suppliers.  

The Brigade spends in excess of £90 million each year on a wide range of goods, services and works.

As a public sector organisation, the way in which we procure is governed by internal regulations and national and European legislation.

The London Fire Commissioner's Procurement Standing Orders set out the internal policy by which we spend money on goods, services and works to ensure contracts are awarded to suppliers that are financially, commercially and technically capable of delivering requirements to maximise value for money.

Depending on the contract value, the Brigade adheres to a framework of legislation and processes, which includes:

  • National legislation, such as the Procurement Act 2023 and UK Local Government Acts 1999 and 2000.

To obtain the best value, all of our procurement activity is subject to reasonable competition and where appropriate we utilise framework agreements and contracts awarded by other bodies on behalf of public sector authorities e.g. Crown Commercial Service, Kent County Council, the Fire Consortium and others. In addition we undertake collaborative procurement with other fire authorities, emergency services, local authorities, the GLA Group and other public bodies.

Procurement thresholds

Fair and appropriate levels of competition regardless of the contract value is the Brigade's default approach to award of contracts.

The Commissioner’s Procurement Standing Orders specify the minimum levels of competition that must be followed for different contract values.

  • For contracts below £30,000, the Brigade Officers are responsible for the tender process. These will be advertised where appropriate on the Central Digital Platform. 
  • Between £30,000 and Procurement Act 2023 Threshold, the Procurement Department will manage the process. These will be advertised as deemed appropriate on the Central Digital Platform via In-tend E-tendering Portal (see accompanying Guide), and Contracts Finder.
  • Above the Procurement Act 2023 threshold, the tender process applies. These will be advertised on the Central Digital Platform In-tend E-tendering Portal (see accompanying Guide) and Contracts Finder.

Subject to Procurement Act 2023, all exceptions to competition are subject to scrutiny and approval by the appropriate governance level.

Contract opportunities

The Brigade advertises and manages all tender opportunities on the In-tend E-tendering Portal (see accompanying Guide). 

The Brigade does not respond to unsolicited emails or telephone calls and therefore encourages all companies wishing to work with the Brigade to register with the Central Digital Platform.

Any supplier interested in pursuing business opportunities with the Brigade should visit this link for suppliers 

Responding to contract opportunities

Instructions on how to participate in and respond to competitive opportunities are detailed in all advertisements and the documents for competition. You are advised to read these carefully and use any clarification period to raise any questions you may have to which the Brigade will respond accordingly.

Important information

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions applicable to a contract will vary depending on the requirement and the procurement approach e.g. for a contract awarded under a framework, the framework call off Terms and Conditions will apply.

All Terms and Conditions will be issued during the competitive process for potential suppliers to review before submitting a proposal.

Except where there is a written contract signed by both parties, the standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions shall apply to all purchase orders sent by the Brigade. 


In line with the Local Government Transparency Code, the Brigade publishes details of tenders and contracts for any contracts of a value of £5,000 or more.

To access data of the Brigade's tenders or contracts with a value of £10,000 or more, and details of the purchase orders with a value of £5,000 or more, refer to the data published on a quarterly on the London DataStore.

To request copies of the tender/contract documents, email


Responsible Procurement

Responsible Procurement is the purchase of goods, works and services in an environmentally and socially responsible way that delivers value for money and benefits the local community.

Our approach to Responsible Procurement corresponds to how we deliver social value through procurement. Find out more about how sustainability is delivered in the procurement of goods and services in our Sustainability section.


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