Empowering home fire safety:

Prevention is the most effective firefighting tool we have – and helping people make themselves more safe is key.

London Fire Brigade works hard to make Londoners safe from fire and a range of hazards and risks. One of our key priorities is fire safety in the home. We are committed to helping the public be ever-safer using resources, experience, expertise and knowledge.

The Brigade also wants to build further relationships and work with partners to improve the safety of Londoners – collaboration work with others is really important. But there’s only so much we can do. Everyone has a responsibility to keep themselves safe and to contribute to the safety of others.

Our prevention work includes helping the people of London understand how they can reduce the risk of incidents happening at home, caring for others, on the road, and if they are tenants or manage properties.  

Our objective? Show them how they can play their part in making London the safest global city.

Person using the Home Fire Safety Checker on their smartphone.

Check your home's safe using our simple tool

It only takes a few minutes to check your home and get tailored advice for your family.

Home Fire Safety Checker (HFSC)

Our focus areas in detail

  • Work with partners and communities to ensure it delivers the right safety messages in the right way at the right times. This means responding to local safety priorities, using innovative solutions to make key messages available and accessible to all and being able to respond flexibly to changing priorities and community needs.
  • Help residents, owners, managers and businesses to understand what they can do to keep themselves safe from fire and to understand their responsibilities regarding community safety, by finding innovative solutions, including using new technology to create self help online tools.
  • Continue the Brigade’s strong record in working with others to identify and prevent fires in electrical appliances and devices. The ‘connected home’ is likely to present new and rapidly developing challenges and London Fire Brigade will seek to influence new or amended standards as part of our prevention work.
  • Improve the ways the public can contact the London Fire Brigade when they need further assistance from Brigade officers to support Londoners in making themselves safe.
  • Continue to work hard on the public’s behalf to raise safety standards, making sources of information on important safety advice readily available, such as calling for a single point of reference for product recalls.

Successes so far

Community safety

London Fire Brigade has proven success in delivering community safety advice and prevention messages that have seen a reduction in the demand for its services.

Did you know?

We have visited nearly 90,000 Londoners to provide personalised home fire safety advice – many of them vulnerable. Find out more on the home fire safety page.

Continuous improvement

The Brigade wants to build on this success and work with blue light partners and other agencies to support their goals and help deliver the broader safety agenda including road safety and water safety, through to fire and flood prevention.

Our ambitions in action