Enforcement Notice

Date of notice:
Required compliance:
Remedial works completed:
Notice served to:
Dr Aun Ki Fang
Property type:
Other Premises open to public
Applies to:
The Dental Practice, 113A Ballards Lane, Finchley, London, N3 1XY
Served to:
The Dental Practice, 113A Ballards Lane, Finchley, London, N3 1XY

Additional Information

Borough premises situated in: Barnet

Responsibility of person on whom notice served: Occupier

Applicable legislation: Article 30: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005


  • Article 9

    Failure to review the fire risk assessment.

    Implement regular program to review fire risk assessment.

  • Article 12

    Failure to eliminate or reduce, so far as is reasonably practicable, dangerous substances present in or on the premises.

    Review use of dangerous substances and eliminate/reduce their use/storage to a reasonably practicable minimum.

  • Article 14

    Failure to provide and/or maintain adequate and clearly indicated emergency routes and exits that lead to a place of safety.

    Ensure that adequate escape routes and exits leading to a place of safety are provided and that these are maintained clear and available for use at all times that the premises is occupied.

  • Article 16

    Failure to ensure that information on emergency arrangements in respect of dangerous substances is available.

    Ensure that information on emergency arrangements in respect of dangerous substances is available.

  • Article 17

    Failure to ensure that the premises and any facilities, equipment and devices are maintained in an efficient state, in effective working order and in good repair.

    Ensure that adequate maintenance systems are in place to ensure that the premises and any facilities, equipment and devices are maintained in an efficient state, in effective working order and in good repair.