Prohibition/Restriction Notice

Date of notice:
Notice served to:
The Responsible Person
Property type:
Other Premises open to public
Applies to:
Headline House, 445 Brighton Road, South Croydon, CR2 6EU
Served to:
, Anjuman-e-Zainee Mosque, Headline House, 445 Brighton Road, Croydon, , CR2 6EU

Additional Information

Borough premises situated in: Croydon

Responsibility of person on whom notice served: Occupier

Applicable legislation: Article 31: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005


  • Article 13 Fire Warning

    Failure to provide a suitable method of giving warning in case of fire.

    Provide a suitable method of giving warning in case of fire.

  • Article 14

    Failure to provide and/or maintain adequate and clearly indicated emergency routes and exits that lead to a place of safety.

    Ensure that adequate escape routes and exits leading to a place of safety are provided and that these are maintained clear and available for use at all times that the premises is occupied.