Alteration Notice

Date of notice:
Notice served to:
Trocadero (London) Hotel Limited
Property type:
Applies to:
Zedwell Tottenham Court Road, 112 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3NQ
Served to:
, 16 Babmaes Street, London, , SW1Y 6HD

Additional Information

Borough premises situated in: Camden

Responsibility of person on whom notice served: Occupier

Applicable legislation: Article 29: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005


  • The specific matters which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, constitute such a risk are: The general fire precautions in the premises are a fire safety engineered solution. The correct function of the engineered solution is reliant on the existing structure, layout, services, fittings, equipment or the fire loading in or on the premises being maintained. Changes to the above matters are likely to result in the fire engineered solution ceasing to provide necessary protection for relevant persons. Due to the depth and complexity of this premises, and lack of a second firefighting shaft, the means of escape and firefighting provisions are reliant on the correct function of all life safety systems, including: the smoke detection and warning system; the automatic water fire suppression system; the 10-air-changes-per-hour basement smoke clearance system protecting both the guest corridors and back-of-house areas; the firefighting lobby mechanical smoke ventilation system; the firefighting lift; dry falling mains system; the cross-corridor fire door hold-open devices; fire curtains and motorised evacuation chairs. Changes and/or failures to the above matters could impact the evacuation strategy and are likely to result in inadequate support to firefighters to carry out their duties, therefore placing relevant persons at risk.