Enforcement Notice

Date of notice:
Required compliance:
Remedial works completed:
Notice served to:
Easy Rusty Bar Limited
Property type:
Licensed Premises
Applies to:
Rusty Bike Public House, 588 Mile End Road, London, E3 4PH
Served to:
, 588 Mile End Road, London, E3 4PH

Additional Information

Borough premises situated in: Tower Hamlets

Responsibility of person on whom notice served: Occupier

Applicable legislation: Article 30: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005


  • Article 9

    Failure to record the prescribed information.

    Record as appropriate, the significant findings of the fire risk assessment including measures that have, or will be taken and any group of persons identified as being especially at risk.

  • Article 11

    Failure in the effective management of the preventive and protective measures.

    Implement arrangement for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures.

  • Article 13 Fire Warning

    Failure to provide a suitable method of giving warning in case of fire.

    Provide a suitable method of giving warning in case of fire.

  • Article 14

    Failure to provide and/or maintain adequate and clearly indicated emergency routes and exits that lead to a place of safety.

    Ensure that adequate escape routes and exits leading to a place of safety are provided and that these are maintained clear and available for use at all times that the premises is occupied.

  • Article 14

    Failure to ensure that emergency routes and exits are adequately lit.

    Ensure that adequate lighting is provided to illuminate emergency routes and exits.

  • Article 15

    Failure to establish an appropriate emergency plan.

    Prepare/update emergency plan.

  • Article 21

    Failure to ensure employees receive adequate safety training.

    Implement/review training programme to ensure employees receive adequate safety training.