Alteration Notice

Date of notice:
Notice served to:
Ballymore Asset Management Limited
Property type:
Purpose Built Flats>=4 floors
Applies to:
Wardian London, Hobart Building, 2 Wards Place, London, E14 9JF
Served to:
, 4th Floor 161 Marsh Wall, London , E14 9SJ

Additional Information

Borough premises situated in: Tower Hamlets

Responsibility of person on whom notice served: Other person having control

Applicable legislation: Article 29: Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005


  • The specific matters which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, constitute such a risk are: Due to the height of this premises the means of escape and firefighting provisions are reliant on the correct functioning of the fire engineered systems including the wet riser, firefighting lift, smoke ventilation, fire curtains and suppression systems. Changes and/or failures to the above matters could impact the current evacuation strategy and are likely to result in firefighters being inadequately supported to carry out their duties and therefore places relevant persons at risk.