Joining Fire Cadets.

If you're aged between 13-17 and are looking for a fun, challenging, exciting way to gain new skills, meet the Fire Cadets. 

What's it all about?

Apply to join Fire Cadets

Ready to join Fire Cadets? Submit your application now

Fire Cadets application form

What is Fire Cadets?

Fire Cadets offers young people the opportunity to develop their confidence and personal skills. It's a bit like Scouts or Guides – only you'll gain real-world skills, make lots of new friends, learn to work as a team, and have a lot of fun along the way. 

Fire Cadets in 3 minutes – watch our video. 

Meet real cadets, get an idea of what it's like, and see what's in it for you! 

Fire Cadets in 3 minutes – watch our video and meet current Fire Cadets.

Why join Fire Cadets?

4 reasons to join Fire Cadets

First and foremost, because it's really good fun. But there are lots of other reasons too: 

  1. Learn new things – from hands-on skills like running out hoses and climbing ladders to how to work really well in a team. 
  2. Become more confident – lots of our Fire Cadets say they feel much more confident and outgoing. 
  3. Make new friends – firefighters say the fire service is a bit like a family (in a good way!) and our cadets are 100% part of the Brigade. 
  4. Get ahead in interviews – whether you want to go to Uni or college or go straight into work, you'll have a unique experience to talk about, and a great reference too. 

There are lots of development opportunities to aspire to, including Officer Cadets, Marine Cadets, join the Ceremonial Team, or apply to become a Fire Cadet Ambassador! Explore the Fire Cadet journey here

What happens, where and when

How often do we meet up?

Cadets attend a local venue, usually a fire station one evening a week, working alongside Brigade and community volunteers.

Where can I join Fire Cadets?

Fire Cadets units are located in all 32 London Boroughs and the City of London.

Don't forget to follow us...

If you have a question or you'd like to see what our Fire Cadets are up to at the moment, find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram


More info about Fire Cadets

Join us leaflet

Download PDF (3,372kb)

National Framework – our aims and ambitions

Download DOCX (79kb)

Join now – Fire Cadets application form

Download PDF (152kb)

Fire Cadets Virtual Engagement Plan - April and May

Download PDF (134kb)

Fire Cadets Virtual Engagement Plan - June and July

Download PDF (498kb)

Where next?