Contact us.

This is the place to let us know about things that are not an emergency. 

In an emergency you should always call 999. This is an administrative mailbox which is only monitored during office hours, Monday to Friday, 09.00 – 17.00.

Your details:

Why are you contacting us?
Your name and email address
Building details

We need details of the premises or business you're contacting us about.

What would you like to tell us?
Compliments and complaints

We work closely with the communities we serve to make London a safer place to live, work and visit. We want to find out if we are giving the best service we can. To make sure everyone is treated fairly, please select the box that describes you best. You don't have to complete this information but it will help us if you do.

If you would like us to respond to your comment please provide contact details below. Without a name and address or email address we will not be able to respond.

Spam prevention

General enquiries and non-emergency assistance

Our switchboard service is available Monday to Friday 8.30am -5pm.

020 8555 1200

London Fire Brigade Head Office

169 Union Street, London, SE1 0LL

View in Google maps

Person using the Home Fire Safety Checker on their smartphone.

Check your home's safe using our simple tool

It only takes a few minutes to check your home and get tailored advice for your family.

Home Fire Safety Checker (HFSC)

Large file transfer

If you need to send us a large file, you can do this using our Egress system.

Send a file

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