Last updated: 24/09/2018, 2:44 PM

Battersea – lorry falling in ditch causes gas leak

27/11/2015 10:26
Gas leak

Firefighters were called to deal with a gas leak caused by a lorry that collapsed into a 25 foot ditch on St John’s Hill in Battersea this morning.

A man who was working on the lorry at the time managed to jump off before it fell into the ditch. He was suffering from back injuries and was taken to hospital by London Ambulance Service.

Due to the gas leak a 25 metre exclusion zone was set up as a precaution until it was fixed.

The Brigade was called at 1026 and the incident was handed over to Wandsworth Council at around 1310. Fire crews from Battersea and Wandsworth fire stations were at the scene.