Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:18 PM

Brigade investigates chemical smell in residential property in Wimbledon

23/01/2018 22:20

Firefighters were called to investigate an unknown smell in a number of residential houses on Marryat Road in Wimbledon last night.

Fire crews wearing breathing apparatus used detection equipment and found high level readings of the chemical styrene – which is used in building instillation foam. Around 11 people from three affected properties were evacuated.

A spokesperson for the London Fire Brigade said:

“Firefighters quickly detected the chemical and evacuated residents so were thankfully uninjured. Crews ventilated the property and people were able to go back to their homes.”

The Brigade was called at 2220 and the incident was under control by 0401. Fire crews from Wimbledon and Wandsworth fire stations attended the scene.