Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:19 PM

Chiswick chip pan blaze sparks warning

17/06/2017 15:26
House or flat fire

Firefighters have issued a safety warning after two women, one of whom was heavily pregnant, were injured by a chip pan fire at a house on Wilkinson Way in Chiswick on Friday afternoon.

A Brigade spokesperson said:

“We believe the chip pan was left unattended and caught alight. One of the women attempted to extinguish the fire by pouring a jug of water onto it, which is actually the worst thing you can do, as this can cause the pan to burst into a fireball.

“Both women suffered from burns to their arms and smoke inhalation and were taken to hospital by ambulance.

“We used to advise that people put a damp tea towel over a chip pan fire, but the latest advice is to get out, stay out and call 999. Let the experts deal with the fire.”

The Brigade was called at 15.26 on Friday 17 June and the fire was out by 15.52. Two fire engines and ten firefighters from Chiswick and Acton fire stations attended the incident. Fire damage was contained within the kitchen.

Cooking safely

Simply changing the way you cook can prevent fire. Invest in a deep fat fryer or opt for oven chips as an alternative. If you are still using a chip pan or traditional fat fryer in your home be sure to follow these simple rules to reduce fire hazards and cook safely.

  • If you use a chip pan never fill it over a third full with oil or fat. Never be tempted to cook with a chip pan after consuming alcohol.
  • Never leave the pan alone with the heat on – not even for a few seconds
  • Never put the chips in the pan if the oil has started smoking. Turn off the heat and leave the oil to cool down, or else it could catch fire

In the event of a fire

In the event of a fire follow these guidelines:

  • Don't panic and don’t take risks. 
  • Don't move the pan. 
  • Never throw water or use a fire extinguisher on a hot fat fire. 
  • If it's safe to do so - turn off the heat, but never lean over the pan to reach the controls. 
  • Leave the kitchen, close the door behind you, tell everyone else in the home to get out and don’t go back inside for any reason. 
  • Call 999