Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:20 PM

Firefighters issue a warning to stay off the ice after dog rescued in Teddington

28/02/2018 17:02
Richmond upon Thames

Firefighters are urging people to stay well away from frozen ponds, lakes, canals and rivers after rescuing a dog in Langdon Park in Teddington.

A man and woman were walking their Greyhound off the lead when it became stuck on an island off of a lake. The male dog walker entered the water to try and rescue the dog unsuccessfully before leaving the scene.

The female dog walker called the Brigade and firefighters used a specialist boat, which is carried on a fire rescue unit, to reach the dog.

Mark Hazelton, the Brigade’s Group Manager for Community Safety, said: “We would urge all dog owners to ensure they keep their pets on a lead while out walking as this freezing weather persists. Usually when dogs run onto ice and get stuck, they will eventually get themselves back onto dry land.

"As soon as ponds and lakes freeze over we know there is a risk that people may make the mistake of walking on and falling through the ice.

"Some people take astonishing risks, especially pet owners whose dogs have gone onto the ice and young people who seem unaware of the dangers.

"Please, for your own safety, stay off of any frozen pond, lake or canal as there is a high risk it wont take your weight and when it's cold, hypothermia sets in rapidly and can prove fatal.

"If your dog or any other animal ends up on the ice, stay put and call 999 so firefighters can rescue it, rather than taking risks yourself."

The Brigade was called at 1702 and the incident was over for firefighters at 1807. Fire crews from Twickenham, Kingston, Heston and Battersea fire stations attended the scene.