Last updated: 16/04/2020, 11:09 AM

Small fire at restaurant - Covent Garden

14/04/2020 14:15
Fire at commercial property

Firefighters are urging Londoners to keep glass items out of direct sunlight after a wine glass is believed to have caused a small fire at a restaurant on Market Road in Covent Garden. 

Sunlight is believed to have refracted through the wine glass and caught light to a plant pot on the top level of an empty restaurant. The smouldering caused a smoke alarm to sound and alerted a security guard who called 999. There were no reports of any injuries.

Station Officer Shawn Howlett, who was at the scene, said: “Fortunately the smoke alarm alerted a security guard and firefighters quickly put the fire out so damage was limited to the plant pot.

"These sorts of fires are not as rare as you would think, particularly at time of year as the sun is low in the sky so the concentrated rays can set light to nearby items.

"Crystals, glass ornaments and mirrors should be kept out of direct sunlight as they can focus the sun's rays. We’ve seen fires caused by glass doorknobs, jars and bottles on windowsills and hanging crystals.

"Almost exactly a year ago, my colleagues at Soho Fire Station attended a blaze caused by sunlight at the home of actress Dame Joan Collins."

 The Brigade’s top three sunlight safety tips 

  • Keep concave mirrors and crystal or glass objects away from sunny sills and flammable materials.
  • Fit at least one smoke alarm per floor and test them every week to make sure they work and the batteries are not flat.
  • If you have a fire, close the door on the blaze, get out stay out and call the Brigade immediately

The Brigade was called at 1415 and the fire was under control by 1434. Two fire engines from Soho Fire Station attended the scene.

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