Last updated: 26/03/2020, 4:53 PM

Off duty firefighter discovers Croydon office fire

25/03/2020 08:40
Fire at commercial property

A firefighter who was on their way to work raised the alarm to a fire at an office on Church Street in Croydon. 

Passing by the office, Firefighter Frankie Taylor heard a smoke alarm sounding and saw a ground floor window blackened by soot. He then called 999. Frankie said: “I was just on my way to work and I could hear the smoke alarm sounding from quite a way back.

“There was thick smoke coming from the building and the windows had turned black. The front door was open so I called out to see if anyone was inside. When no one replied and I couldn’t see anyone, I shut the door and waited for crews to arrive.”

Part of the office building was damaged by fire. There were no reports of any injuries. 

The Brigade was called at 0840 and the fire was under control by 0907. Two fire engines and around 10 firefighters from Croydon fire station attended the scene. 

The fire is under investigation by the Brigade and the Metropolitan Police Service.