Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:16 PM

Lakanal inquests verdict: Commissioner's statement

28/03/2013 00:00

London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson said:

“On behalf of the London Fire Brigade, I would like to thank Assistant Deputy Coroner Her Honour Frances Kirkham CBE and the members of the jury for their careful consideration of the evidence presented at the Inquests.

“This was a tragic fire and I would like to express my personal sadness and offer condolences from all at the London Fire Brigade to the families and loved ones of those who died on 3 July 2009.

“For every member of the London Fire Brigade, however experienced, being involved in a fatal fire is difficult and this incident was particularly harrowing with six people including three children losing their lives.

“From the outset we have worked with the police to investigate the cause of the fire and have welcomed the opportunity that these Inquests have provided to help  find out what happened.

“London Fire Brigade is committed to providing Londoners with the highest standards of service and our policies and procedures are under constant review. We learn from every incident and the fire at Lakanal is no exception. Since July 2009 we have reviewed a number of our procedures and policies to address the issues that were raised.

“We will now consider the jury’s verdict and the recommendations that the Coroner has made.”

On 3 July 2009 six people died in a fire at the Lakanal tower block in Camberwell, south London. The inquests into their deaths began on 14 January 2013 and after hearing evidence the jury has now returned its verdict.

London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson said:

“This was a tragic fire and I would like to express my personal sadness and offer condolences from all at the London Fire Brigade to the families and loved ones of those who died on 3 July 2009.

“For every member of the London Fire Brigade, however experienced, being involved in a fatal fire is difficult and this incident was particularly harrowing with six people including three children losing their lives.

“From the outset we have worked with the police to investigate the cause of the fire and have welcomed the opportunity that these Inquests have provided to help  find out what happened.

“London Fire Brigade is committed to providing Londoners with the highest standards of service and our policies and procedures are under constant review. We learn from every incident and the fire at Lakanal is no exception. Since July 2009 we have reviewed a number of our procedures and policies to address the issues that were raised.

“We will now consider the jury’s verdict and the recommendations that the Coroner has made.”

To read a transcript of the verdict please see the Lakanal Coroner Inquest pages, on the Lambeth Council website.