Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:17 PM

Crystal door knob starts house fire

09/07/2014 00:00
Safety warnings

Firefighters are reminding Londoners about the importance of  keeping crystal furnishings out of direct sunlight after a crystal doorknob started a house fire yesterday morning.

The sun’s rays refracted light through the door knob and onto a dressing gown hanging from the  door which then caught fire. Fortunately, the house was empty at the time and a smoke alarm alerted builders working on an adjacent house who called the fire brigade. 

Earlier in the year the Brigade attended an incident in Romford when a crystal ball set light to curtains. Last summer firefighters tackled a fire in Enfield caused by a vanity mirror which also set fire to curtains. 

Charlie Pugsley from the Brigade’s fire investigation unit said:

“Crystal and glass ornaments and items such as shaving mirrors should be kept out of direct sunlight. The homeowners are lucky they had a working smoke alarm which alerted some local builders who quickly called the Brigade. Part of the bedroom was damaged in the fire but it could have been much worse.“

Earlier in the year the Brigade attended an incident in Romford when a crystal ball set light to curtains. Last summer firefighters tackled a fire in Enfield caused by a vanity mirror which also set fire to curtains.

The Brigade’s top three safety tips are:

• Keep mirrors and crystal or glass objects away from the sunny sills
• Fit at least one smoke alarm per floor and test them every week to make sure they work and the batteries are not flat.
• If you have a fire, close the door on the blaze, get out stay out and call the Brigade

The fire happened on Monday, 7 July on Rodenhurst Road, Clapham. Firefighters and officers from Clapham and West Norwood attended the scene. The Brigade was called at 0821 and the fire was under control by 0843.

Firefighters and officers from Clapham and West Norwood attended the scene. The Brigade was called at 0821 and  the fire was under control by 0843.

For more information on fire safety click here.