Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:16 PM

Further FBU strike dates announced

14/04/2014 00:00
Safety warnings

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has announced three further strike dates.

Its members will be taking industrial action again on:

  •  Friday, 2 May  starting at 1200, ending at 1700 
  • Saturday, 3 May starting at 1400, ending at 0200 on Sunday, 4 May
  • Sunday, 4 May starting at 1000, ending at 1500 

These will be the 10th, 11th, and 12th FBU strikes since September last year.

London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson said:

“Today’s announcement from the FBU for fresh strike action is regrettable. In London we will of course have contingency arrangements in place but just as before we will be asking people to take extra care to prevent fires from starting. We will be doing all we can to remind them to take care when cooking, to make sure cigarettes are disposed of properly and to check their smoke alarms are working, especially over the bank holiday period.

“I very much hope that the government and FBU are able to resolve this dispute soon in order that the Brigade can return to business as usual.”

During the strikes the 27 engines will be deployed at strategic locations across London and will be used to provide fire cover for the capital. The contingency fire service  is provided by a contractor and is not intended to replicate the Brigade’s normal operational cover arrangements. The contractor will provide basic firefighting and some rescue work.

The strike action relates to a dispute between the FBU and government over the government’s reforms to the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme.

In the lead up to the strike action, the Brigade is asking people to take steps to prevent fires in the home during the industrial action. These  include:

  1. Check your smoke alarm to make sure it works.
  2. Plan your escape route.
  3. Take extra care when you are cooking or smoking.
  4. Share fire safety tips – talk to friends and family (visit the Brigade's website for advice).
  5. Only dial 999 in a genuine emergency, for example a fire not a pet rescue.


Notes to editors

During the strike contingency fire crews will attend:

  • Serious fires –  like those in Londoners’ homes – confirmed by a 999 call
  • Fires that involve gas cylinders or hazardous substances.
  • Explosions
  • Vehicle fires or boat fires
  • Fires at railway stations and rail and road tunnels or fires involving people in underground tunnels
  • Aircraft or train crashes
  • Road traffic collisions
  • Collapsed structures

During the strike contingency firefighters may not be able to attend:

  • Grass fires and other outdoor fires such as trees, hedges or undergrowth alight.
  • Rubbish fires (including fires in bins and skips) and fires on open ground.
  • Animal rescues (these will be referred to the RSPCA).
  • People shut in lifts (owners of buildings are responsible for ensuring arrangements are in place to release people from faulty lifts).
  • Flooding
  • Automatic fire alarms – a fire engine will only be sent when the fire has been confirmed by a 999 call.