Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:17 PM

London Fire Brigade wins Corporate Comms Award

14/11/2014 00:00

London Fire Brigade’s communications team are today celebrating winning the Corporate Communications Award  for best use of digital as part of a communications strategy. 

Judges recognised the team’s speedy and creative use of social media when  communicating major incidents such as the ceiling collapse at the Apollo theatre.  As well as reactive crisis management, the team also highjack digital  conversations to talk about fire safety, in particular the #takeawayworldcup campaign delivered messages about the dangers of drinking and cooking to football fans.

London Fire Brigade Deputy Commissioner Rita Dexter said:

“This is a great team win, and particularly welcome because it recognises how we are successfully using social media to communicate with Londoners before, during and after emergency incidents. As well as warning and informing those near to or involved in incidents, we regularly switch tone and use images, quizzes and humour to deliver serious fire safety messages.”