Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:17 PM

London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson resigns after 35 years service

02/09/2014 00:00
Safety warnings

The Chief Fire Officer of the London Fire Brigade, Ron Dobson has today announced his resignation from the position of London Fire Commissioner.

In a letter to the Chairman of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority the Commissioner said:

“This has been an incredibly difficult decision for me to reach because it has been an honour and a privilege to be the leader of what I consider to be without doubt the best fire and rescue service in the world.

“I believe now is the right time for both the London Fire Brigade and me to make this change.”

The Commissioner has served London for 35 years, having joined the London Fire Brigade in 1979.

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson said: “Ron Dobson has been an exemplary Fire Commissioner – leading London through difficult times and important events including the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. He has worked tirelessly to modernise the fire service, whilst at the same time cutting significantly the number of deaths and injuries from fire across the capital. I am grateful for his advice, his leadership and his immense dedication.”

Chairman of London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority James Cleverly added: "It has been a pleasure working with Ron Dobson over the last few years. Under his leadership the London Fire Brigade has gone through a significant period of modernisation and is now in an excellent position to face the broadening challenges of protecting the world's greatest city."

"He has been a great support and advisor to the London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority and I know he is held in high regard by its members. On behalf of the Authority I want to thank him for his 35 years of service to London and the professionalism with which he has discharged his duty as Commissioner of the London Fire Brigade."

Notes to editors:

The Commissioner will continue to serve as Chief Fire Officer for the next six months.