Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:17 PM

Public urged to attend organised displays after Bonfire Night injuries

05/11/2014 00:00
Safety warnings

London Fire Brigade is urging the public to attend organised firework displays this Bonfire Night, after seven people suffered serious fire related injuries last November 5.

The injuries sustained last year were equal to the number of serious injuries suffered on the four previous Bonfire Nights before it.

In 2013, the Brigade received nearly 600 calls and firefighters attended over 100 fires across London during the annual celebration.

It’s always much safer to attend an organised firework display and the Brigade has designed a map, listing free and ticketed events taking place across London until November 8, to help the public find an event near them.

The Brigade’s Third Officer Dave Brown, said: “Fireworks can be spectacular, but they are explosives and can cause serious injury if handled irresponsibly. A hospital visit or damage to your home will make you remember November 5, but for all the wrong reasons.

“We would urge Londoners to reduce the risk of injury and fire by attending an organised firework display, but if you are having your own celebration, please stay safe by carefully following the Firework Safety Code.”

The Firework Safety Code is:

• Only buy fireworks marked with the British Standard Kitemark BS7114.
• Don't drink alcohol if setting off fireworks.
• Keep fireworks in a closed box and always follow the instructions carefully when using them.
• Light them at arms length using a taper and stand well back.
• Never go back to them once they are lit. Even if a firework hasn't gone off, it could still explode.
• Never throw fireworks and never put them in your pocket.
• Respect your neighbours – don’t let off fireworks late at night and remember there are laws to follow.
• Take care with sparklers – never give them to children under five. Even when they have gone out     they are still hot so put sparklers in a bucket of water after use.
• Keep your pets indoors throughout the evening.