Last updated: 16/09/2019, 9:55 AM

London Fire Brigade police interview

16/09/2019 09:30
Grenfell Tower

London Fire Brigade has given an interview under caution as part of the continuing Metropolitan Police Service investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire.

The Brigade was invited to give the interview as a corporate body, rather than as an individual, in relation to sections 2 and 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974 (“HSWA”).

The Brigade understands the important legalities and sensitivities of the investigation but is making this information public in accordance with its commitments to transparency and to assisting in every way possible to prevent such a devastating fire from ever happening again.

London Fire Commissioner Dany Cotton said:

“We have always been subject to the Metropolitan Police investigation and I want to ensure it is accurately and publicly known the Brigade has now, voluntarily, given an interview ‘under caution in relation to the Health and Safety at Work Act’.

“As the fire and rescue service attending the Grenfell Tower fire it is entirely correct that we are part of the investigation. Hundreds of firefighters, officers and control officers have already provided voluntary police interviews and we will continue to do all we can to assist investigators.

“The bereaved, survivors and residents need answers and we must all understand what happened and why to prevent communities and emergency services from ever being placed in such impossible conditions ever again.

“This was the largest residential fire London Fire Brigade has attended in its history and we will also continue to ensure firefighters, officers and control officers and other Brigade staff are supported throughout this investigation and the on-going Public Inquiry.”

Further details of the Brigade’s police interview under caution are not public and will not be released by the Brigade.

Further information

London Fire Brigade has been subject to the Metropolitan Police Service investigation since it commenced immediately after the fire. Some media reporting in 2018 referred to the London Fire Brigade becoming subject to the investigation, which was incorrect.

The police investigation is led by the Metropolitan Police Service, and the Brigade cannot give further information or media interviews in relation to this matter.

London Fire Brigade is subject to duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. These include at section 2 a general duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety and welfare of all employees, and at section 3 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, non-employees are not exposed to health or safety risks by the conduct of London Fire Brigade.