Last updated: 01/04/2021, 8:28 AM

Brigade wants London's views on how it serves the community

01/04/2021 08:30

London Fire Brigade is launching an ambitious new programme of engagement to capture the views of all Londoners.

The Brigade wants to reach out particularly to underrepresented and marginalised groups, such as those from Black, Asian and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+, disabled people, faith groups and other seldom-heard groups. The initiative will give residents the opportunity to have their say on what the capital’s fire service should look like.

Communities "at the heart of our work" to regain trust

When London Fire Commissioner, Andy Roe, came to office just over a year ago, he pledged that the Brigade would listen to and put communities at the heart of the work it does to regain trust. One of the Commissioner’s priorities was to reach out to the communities affected by the Grenfell Tower fire, to listen to them and speak honestly about how he intended to transform the Brigade.

Pilot boroughs

We will be piloting our engagement work in eight London boroughs throughout the next year. Once the pilot has successfully concluded, the Brigade will begin to widen the scope and engage with communities across London.

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This will give residents greater access and opportunity to engage in local Community Safety Plans that really affect the areas they live in. The Brigade will also listen to people’s experiences of the fire service, which will help develop the organisation’s pan-London strategic plan for years to come.

Transformation and change

The feedback from the communities will then be considered as part of the Brigade’s work on a new Community Risk Management Plan – which will define how it serves London and manages a period of transformation and change over the next few years.

"Shaping our future"

London Fire Commissioner Andy Roe said: “This is my commitment to Londoners, to involve them in shaping our future. This is something that we haven’t always excelled at, but it’s absolutely vital. We will share our thinking and involve them every step of the way.

“We serve all Londoners and work hard to keep every community safe, and that’s why it is essential that we capture the views of all the communities in our city.

"Over the last year, the pandemic has closed more doors and isolated more people, so we must do more now to hear voices from all of London's communities."

Borough Commander Richard Tapp, who will oversee the pilot in Tower Hamlets, said: “I am excited by the opportunities that this will create, helping us to build on our traditional community engagement and enabling us to hear from all of the borough’s residents.

"It is important that we create opportunities for our communities to tell us how we can help ensure their safety and wellbeing.”

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