Last updated: 09/07/2021, 3:24 PM

Brigade staff have once again given up their time to volunteer at Wimbledon

09/07/2021 09:00
Our people

Firefighters, control officers, fire safety inspecting officers and other London Fire Brigade staff have once again given up their time to volunteer at The Championships, Wimbledon.

The Brigade has been providing stewards to the SW19 event for more than 50 years.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, 2020 was the only year The Championships hasn’t gone ahead since the Second World War.

As stewards at The Championships, Brigade volunteers wear their full undress uniforms and serve alongside members of the RAF, Royal Navy and Army.

This year, as well as firefighters, control officers and fire safety inspecting officers, a volunteer Fire Cadet Instructor who has previously stewarded in the Royal Box has returned to take up a Team Leader role. 

The volunteers’ main role is to guide spectators to and from their seats during breaks in play. They also ensure public safety as part of Wimbledon’s overall safety plan. They can volunteer either on their off duty days or by using annual leave. 

Last weekend, service workers from the Brigade, their armed forces colleagues and other blue light services were given a standing ovation by the crowd to mark their work towards the nation’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic. 

They were applauded by Saturday’s Centre Court audience prior to the match between American Coco Gauff and Slovenian Kaja Juvan.

Station Commander Matt Sinclair is coordinating the Brigade’s involvement at Wimbledon this year.

He said: “After the challenges which the emergency services and everyone have faced over the last 18 months, it’s been really great to get back to seeing friends and colleagues at The Championships. It feels like summer has finally begun.

“It’s a privilege to represent London Fire Brigade at this event and it’s been lovely to see members of the public face to face amongst such a nice, family atmosphere.

“It’s a fantastic opportunity to take part in a prestigious event and you really get a sense that people value that you’re not only a steward at Wimbledon, but are also representing the Brigade.”

Control Room Operator Helen Cutler, Number Three Court

"The opportunity to steward at Wimbledon and be part of such an incredible event is really special.

"Whether you are a tennis fan or not, you cannot fail to be impressed by The Championships - its team, its grounds and its atmosphere."

Sub Officer Simon Jakeman, Number One Court

“This is my first year stewarding at Wimbledon and it’s been amazing.

"The atmosphere is brilliant, the guests have all been amazing and it's been a great honour to be able to help so many to have a great time.

“Being the Brigade’s Green Champion Co-ordinator supporting the creation of more than 80 fire station gardens, I’ve also been admiring the colourful floral displays which add to the magic of The Championship setting.”

Volunteer Fire Cadet Instructor Paul Samme, Royal Box

“It has been a privilege as one of the longest serving stewards to have worked in various locations at The Championships.

"It is now a great honour to be representing the Brigade’s Fire Cadets, especially in the highly regarded position as a Brigade Team Leader and In Command 2 in the Royal Box.”

Fire Safety Inspecting Officer Cheryl Prescod, Number One Court

"It was enjoyable returning to Wimbledon this year as a steward; particularly greeting excited spectators, watching good matches and meeting up with Brigade colleagues."

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