Last updated: 17/01/2022, 2:40 PM

London Fire Brigade issues heater warning in wake of New York fire as energy prices set to remain high

17/01/2022 15:00
Safety warnings

London Fire Brigade is urging people to take care when heating their homes this winter over fears that attempts to slash energy bills could lead to a rise in fires.

The Brigade’s warning comes following a devastating fire in New York, which sadly claimed the lives of 17 people last week. The fire is believed to have been caused by a malfunctioning electric portable heater.

On Big Energy Saving Week and following reports that energy prices are expected to remain high for the next two years, firefighters are warning that seemingly cheaper ways to heat homes are not without their fire risks. Portable heaters, which are a popular way to stay warm without putting on the heating, are among the top causes of concern, having been responsible for over 285 fires in the last three years, injuring over 130 people and sadly resulting in the deaths of 11.

The leading ignition source for fires involving portable heaters in London is due to faults in the appliance, followed closely by heaters being placed too close to combustible items. Firefighters are urging people to check that heaters are well maintained and in good working order and to take the time to position them carefully.

Burnt portable heater

Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Fire Safety, Charlie Pugsley, said: “The thoughts of everyone at London Fire Brigade are with those affected by the tragic fire in New York. The fire is a sobering reminder for people to consider the fire risks of using alternative means to heat your home.

“With the unwelcomed news that energy prices are set to remain high, we’re expecting more people to look in their lofts and garages for heaters to use in replacement of turning on the heating. If you’re getting an older heater out, check that it is in good condition. If it’s sparking, wires are loose, safety guards or other safety features are missing, or if it’s showing signs of damage, replace it with a new one or get it tested and repaired by a qualified electrician. Check that the heater isn’t on a recall list too and always buy them from a reputable seller. Fire Investigators have attended serious fires in recent years caused by non-compliant and counterfeit heaters that have been recalled due to safety concerns.

“It’s also absolutely vital that heaters are kept well away from curtains, furniture, paperwork and are never used to dry clothes. Always sit at least a metre away from the heater, particularly those using them whilst working from home, as it could set fire to your clothes or your chair and position them where they won’t be knocked over and away from pets.”

Portable heaters, gas fires and open fires

The Brigade is urging people to ensure their homes are safe by using our Home Fire Safety Checker. You’ll received a tailored safety plan with a list of fire risks in your home. For advice on how to reduce your energy bills, take a look at Simple Energy Advice.

Firefighters’ tips for using portable heaters safely

  • Make sure heaters are well maintained and in good working order.
  • Check that your heater isn't on a recall list
  • Never install, repair or service appliances unless you are a competent professional yourself. Make sure anyone who does is a registered professional.
  • Keep heaters well away from clothes, curtains and furniture and never use them for drying clothes.
  • Always sit at least one metre away from a heater
  • Before attempting to move your heater, turn it off and allow it to cool first.
  • Gas heater cylinders should be changed in the open air, if you have to change them indoors, make sure all rooms are ventilated and open the windows and doors.
  • Never store cylinders in basements, under stairs or on balconies and get empty cylinders collected regularly.

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