Last updated: 21/02/2023, 12:02 PM

London firefighters issue timely reminder to stay fire-safe this Pancake Day

21/02/2023 12:00
Safety warnings

Whether it’s sweet or savoury, many are looking forward to tucking into stacks of delicious pancakes today. 

But with around 60 per cent of house fires starting in the kitchen, London Fire Brigade is urging people to take extra care when cooking with hot oil this Pancake Day. 

So far in 2023, firefighters have attended at least 227 cooking-related fires across the capital, causing 19 injuries including eight that were serious. Just last month, two women and a child were taken to hospital after a pan was left unattended on the hob at a flat in Southwark. 

The Brigade’s Assistant Commissioner for Fire Safety, Charlie Pugsley, said: “We want people to enjoy making pancakes this Shrove Tuesday but cooking can quickly take a dangerous turn. 

“Pan fires can be particularly dangerous and can spread out of control very quickly, especially when using oil. When using a frying pan or cooking with hot oil, never leave the pan unattended when the heat is switched on. 

“If the pan does catch fire, never tackle it yourself and don’t attempt to move it or throw water on it as it could create a fireball. 

“The best thing you can do is leave the room, close the door, warn others in the property and call 999.” 

New data released today shows firefighters in London are mostly likely to be called out to a fire between 7pm and 8pm, when most people are cooking their dinner at home. 

Between 2017 and 2022, the Brigade attended 11,153 fires in the home between the hours of 5pm and 8pm, including 3,826 between 7pm and 8pm and 3,768 between 6pm and 7pm. 

Assistant Commissioner Pugsley added: “With cooking still one of the top causes of fires in the home, it’s unsurprising that you’re most at risk of fire between 7pm and 8pm in the evening. 

“By looking at the information we have around when and why fires happen, we’re able to use this to help inform Londoners and hopefully reduce the risk of people having devastating fires in the home.  

“Always keep an eye on children and pets in the kitchen: don't leave them unsupervised; put matches and lighters away; and keep saucepan handles out of reach. 

“The Brigade’s online Home Fire Safety Checker can guide you around your home and provide you with specific advice to reduce fire risks.” 

Safety tips to stay safe while flipping pancakes

  • Don’t leave cooking unattended 
  • Always make sure the cooker and hob are turned off when you've finished cooking 
  • Pan handles should never be left sticking out over the edge of the cooker, as they’re more likely to be knocked off and cause injury. 
  • People should also take care to keep all areas of their oven and hob, including the cooker hood, clean, as a build-up of fat and grease is more likely to lead to a fire starting. 
  • If the oil begins to give off smoke, don’t put the food in the pan. 
  • Don’t try to tackle the fire yourself and don’t try to move the pan 
  • Never throw water over a pan fire, as it could create a fireball 
  • Know the plan – make sure everyone in your home knows what to do in the event of a fire 

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