Last updated: 24/05/2024, 7:58 AM

Firefighters rescue Islington Wedding

29/09/2023 12:03
Our people

Firefighters from Islington Fire Station recently leapt into action to help save a wedding.  

Julie and her fiancé Kevin were due to get married at Islington Town Hall, but faced a major issue when their two witnesses for the ceremony were unable to attend. Running out of options and faced with the possibility of cancelling the wedding, she decided to contact Islington Fire Station and see if they could help. 

Station Officer David Brooks on Islington’s Red Watch immediately set out to help. Speaking with colleagues on White Watch, who were just coming off duty, two volunteers were quickly found. Sub Officer Leroy Campbell and Firefighter Cameron Brereton donned undress uniforms and headed off to take part in the ceremony at the town hall. 

Whilst the ceremony took place, the firefighters from Islington planned another surprise for the happy couple. As Julie and Kevin left the town hall they discovered that the crews from Islington had arrived to form an impromptu guard of honour and join them in celebrating the happy occasion. 

Station Commander Mick Palmer said “Islington Fire Station always aim to be at the heart of our community, it's great that we were able to help on Julie and Kevin’s big day.

"I’m extremely proud of the crews, they get calls to help people in so many ways, but I think this may be a first! Everyone at the station wishes them all the best.” 

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