Last updated: 15/07/2024, 1:19 PM

London Fire Brigade pilots new wildfire response vehicles

12/07/2024 12:00
Vehicles and technology

London Fire Brigade is trialling the use of new vehicles this summer to respond to the growing threat of grass fires and wildfires in the capital. 

The Brigade undertook a major incident review, following wildfires in 2022, which identified ways to learn from and further improve its response. As a result, changes have been made to planning, equipment, training and how firefighters approach these fires. ​ 

This summer, the Brigade is piloting four new wildfire response vehicles, which have off-road capabilities and technology that allows firefighters to pump water while driving , enabling them to tackle an outdoor fire more quickly and safely. Carrying approximately 500 litres of water, the vehicles are also equipped with new wildfire beaters and a backpack blower, helping to create a faster, more efficient tactical response as well as reducing the risk to firefighters during use. The vehicles are strategically located across London and will be mobilised to significant grass fires and wildfires.  

​The vehicles were unveiled at a simulated wildfire response training exercise that took place at Wanstead Flats in east London yesterday (11 July) in partnership with the City of London Corporation and Thames Water.


The exercise also included a demonstration of the Brigade’s ‘Holey Hose’, which was launched last year and funded by the Mayor as part of his ongoing investment, modernisation and transformation of the Brigade so that it is better prepared, organised and equipped to fight fires and save lives anywhere in the capital.

The hose has pre-prepared holes which create a curtain of water reaching up to two metres high. When a fire is spreading across land, the hose will be deployed to protect life and property and can be called upon in addition to existing equipment such as traditional firefighting hose and beaters. 

The training exercise coincided with a Fire Committee meeting which was held at City Hall, in which the Brigade's Deputy Commissioners Jonathan Smith and Charlie Pugsley updated Assembly Members on the work the Brigade has undertaken since the summer of 2022.


All firefighters have received enhanced training for wildfires and 30 senior officers have been trained as new Wildfire Support Officers . They will be deployed as wildfire tactical advisors, providing key support to the Incident Commander. The welfare of operational crews working in hot weather conditions is a key priority and firefighters have been provided with additional hydration packs, sun cream and protective headwear for personal protection on the incident ground.  

Meanwhile, every local authority in London has received a letter from the Brigade urging them to put in place a range of measures to prevent wildfires such as creating fire breaks and managing vegetation, particularly where rural areas back onto properties. This builds on the engagement that is routinely carried out by Borough Commanders. Firefighters are also out and about in their local communities sharing important safety advice to reduce the risk of fires during hot weather both outdoors and at home. 

Assistant Commissioner Keeley Foster said: “The wildfires that we experienced in London in 2022 were unprecedented and had a devastating impact on our open spaces and communities. 

“Firefighters and colleagues across the Brigade demonstrated incredible bravery and determination to respond but it was an example of how firefighters are increasingly being challenged by new extremes of weather as the climate changes. 

“We have learned from our response two years ago to make sure the Brigade is  well-prepared to tackle this ever-growing risk head-on.  

“New equipment including response vehicles and the Holey Hose, alongside enhanced training for firefighters, and the introduction of specialist roles at these incidents mean the Brigade is better equipped to respond if we do face extreme weather again this year. 

“Preparedness and prevention is essential in helping to reduce the risk to our communities to prevent grass fires. That means not having barbecues in open spaces or on balconies, throwing rubbish away safely and not leaving broken bottles or glass on the ground and disposing of cigarettes properly.”

Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Epping Forest and Commons Committee, Ben Murphy, said: "Multi-agency training and educational exercises, like the one carried out at Wanstead Flats are vital to protect people, property and wildlife. It has shown how effectively our partners can respond should something like this happen in real life.

"And it puts into perspective the loss and damage that can be caused by wildfires, which is why barbeques are banned across our open spaces. Even litter, such as a carelessly discarded glass bottle, or a cigarette butt, has the potential to cause a severe fire, posing a danger to plant, animal, and human life.

"Our staff and volunteers work tirelessly to maintain more than 8,000 acres of ancient and historically significant Forest and we need the public's cooperation to keep them safe."

Geoff Johnson, Fire Brigade Liaison Manager at Thames Water said: "We’re pleased to be working collaboratively with London Fire Brigade to run this training session, supporting firefighters with access to a significant water source in a remote location. In a real incident, this would give the Brigade a more effective supply of water to put out a fire, quickly and safely.

"While we already work closely with the Brigade, this is the first site where they will be accessing water from a washout hydrant, connected to one of our water mains pipes."

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