Black History Month

- one of our busiest yet

This year’s Black History Month has been a big one for the Brigade. Staff across the organisation really put their hearts into organising events that show the positive impact Black people have had on London Fire Brigade and British society as a whole.

Activities included:

  • Black History Month themed open days at Islington and Tottenham Fire Stations
  • A fascinating talk from history expert Tony Warner on the hidden heroes of the Second World War.
  • Historian Stephen Bourne told us about some of the Black people involved in the fire service in the 1930s and 40s, and
  • Staff across the Brigade shared their stories to help us mark the theme of ‘Celebrating our Sisters’.

Here are some highlights from the month, including the incredibly popular ladder pitch demonstration at Tottenham Fire Station open day carried out by a team of Black, female firefighters.

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