About a third of all fires we attend are at night. So before you go to bed, it's really important to make some simple checks. These will only add a couple of minutes to your day, but will significantly reduce your risk of a fire.
We worry more about fires at night as you are likely to be sleeping, so get less warning to escape. That's why it's really important to have working smoke or heat alarms in every room where a fire could start. Your smoke alarms should wake you if a fire does break out, but you can further reduce your risk by carrying out these simple checks before you go to bed.
It only takes a few minutes to check your home and get tailored advice for your family.
If you smoke, never smoke in bed, and make sure all cigarettes are completely out – it's best to wet them.
Absolutely, yes. If you – or someone you care for – might not quickly detect or escape from a fire, it's particularly important to take every action you can to prevent a fire from happening. Prevention is the very best way to protect yourself and the people you care for from fire.
We can visit you and your loved ones at home to help you work out your best bed-time routine and escape plan.
It's all part of what we call a home fire safety visit. It's a free service, that you can find out more about here. If you need them, we'll even fit free smoke alarms.
Book your home fire safety visit