Reducing arson with letterbox protection.

Unfortunately, we attended 392 arson attacks on homes in London in 2018 – we hope our free fire reduction letterboxes may reduce this number in 2019.


What is a fire reduction letterbox?

Letterbox openings in doors provide easy access to the inside of properties and for some people, this can mean an increased risk of deliberate fire attacks. It’s terrible that this can happen, but special letterboxes are designed to reduce this risk.

Who needs a fire reduction letterbox?

People who are vulnerable to this kind of attack often include victims of domestic violence, hate crime or intimidation. If you are worried that you – or someone you care about – may be at risk, please contact us.

How can a fire reduction letterbox help?

A fire reduction letterbox can significantly reduce the risk from a deliberate arson or fire attack, by helping to contain any ignitable materials put through a letterbox.  It is still essential to have working smoke detection and to know what to do in the event of a fire (deliberate or accidental).

How do we know who needs this services?

Our crews may recommend a special letterbox when carrying out a home fire safety visit or when attending an incident. We also receive referrals from partner agencies, and you can contact us directly.

How much does it cost?

If you’re eligible, we’ll fit a fire reduction letterbox for free. 

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