If you are responsible for a business or organisation, it's important that you provide fire safety training as part of your normal training and induction process.
Did you know?
Employers are legally required by law (The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005) to provide information, instruction and training to employees about fire precautions in the workplace.
It depends on your business or organisation, and who you're training. All staff, including part-time staff, zero contract staff, security staff, cleaning staff and contractors should be trained and instructed in 4 key areas:
Fire safety training should start with induction training on the first day and continue in the form of regular refresher training. It's important to keep knowledge up to date and front of mind, too. At least once a year provide refresher fire safety training sessions to make sure that they remain familiar with the fire safety arrangements for the workplace and are reminded of the action to be taken if there is a fire.
Training should be more frequent if:
Any members of staff who have particular responsibilities in respect of fire safety – that's supervisory or specialist roles listed below – should receive detailed instruction in their own duties and refresher training every 6 months.
If you're responsible for premises, as well as providing training, you need to complete a Fire Risk Assessment.