Primary school visits.

Did you know that London Fire Brigade visits primary schools to run fire safety workshops? 

Why we visit primary schools

Officers use their training, experience and expertise to deliver fire safety messages in a sensitive and reassuring way so children understand the importance of home fire safety without becoming worried about a fire happening in their home. There are two different workshop sessions on offer to teach younger children about fire safety.

School visits for Year 2 – Key Stage 1

Children aged 5-7 learn that fire is dangerous, and can hurt people. They'll learn about common fire hazards, and to never play with matches and lighters. We also talk about smoke alarms and how they keep homes safe from fire, what to do in an emergency if there is a fire, and how to call 999.

School visits for Year 5 – Key Stage 2

This session for older children goes into more detail. lt explains that fire kills, destroys homes and spreads quickly. lt educates that smoke can be as dangerous as fire, how smoke alarms work, and how to make sure they are working properly. We'll talk about how to make fire escape plans from homes (including tower blocks), what to do if there is a fire, and how to call 999.


Book a school visit
6 Young school children pose with a teddy bear and stand in front of fire truck

What to expect 

  • Careful, age-appropriate advice to help children understand the dangers of fire.
  • A session that is adapted to support children with special educational needs - we want every pupil to be able to fully participate in learning.
  • We will discuss and explore preventing, detecting and escaping a fire in the home.
  • Our experienced Education Officers will handle the subject matter sensitively and carefully, with considerations to all children’s needs. 

What not to expect

  • Fire demonstrations in the playground.
  • For the sessions to be held as an assembly – we’ve found that this isn’t a great way to talk to the children about fire safety, as the message can get lost in translation.
  • Our Education Officers to arrive in a fire engine.

Good to know

The workshops are carefully managed to reduce children's natural curiosity about fire – and to reduce the risk of that curiosity developing into an interest in deliberately lighting fires.

Although our aim is to help children become more 'fire safe' by teaching them about the dangers of fire and smoke, responsibility for making their home safer is very much placed with parents and guardians.

This approach is really important for younger children who could easily become overwhelmed or anxious if they feel responsible for keeping others safe. It also means that they don't put themselves at risk by trying to deal with fire hazards themselves.

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