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Showing results for ‘Preventing a fire’
  • British Firefighter Challenge 2023

    Some of our fittest firefighters recently went to the British Firefighter Challenge in Manchester to represent London Fire Brigade.

  • Dog detectives head underground

    Did you know that when our Fire Investigation dogs work on the London Underground they face special challenges?

  • Hose

    We use a variety of hoses to tackle fire and floods, and have a team who manufacture and repair this crucial part of our equipment

  • AFA Exemptions

    From 1st October 2024, London Fire Brigade will be changing its approach to how it responds to automatic fire alarms. Starting from October 2024, the Brigade will stop attending automatic fire alarms in most non-residential buildings, such as office blocks or industrial estates, during daytime hours – unless a call is also received from a person reporting a fire.

  • Schools

    We believe the best way to keep Londoners safe is through fire safety education – and that starts at primary school.

  • AFA Webinar

    Join our mailing list about crucial changes to our responses for Automatic fire alarms (AFAs).

  • AFA Exemptions

    From 1st October 2024, London Fire Brigade will be changing its approach to how it responds to automatic fire alarms. Starting from October 2024, the Brigade will stop attending automatic fire alarms in most non-residential buildings, such as office blocks or industrial estates, during daytime hours – unless a call is also received from a person reporting a fire.

  • Arjan Advani

    Arjan Advani was a firefighter who served in London during the Second World War and later returned to India to become Chief Officer of the Delhi Fire Service.

  • How to refer – help for parents, teachers and social workers

    How to get help. Children play with fire for a variety of reason, but without help and guidance, firesetting behaviour can increase and lead to more serious consequences.

  • Firefighters urge people to ensure fairy lights and candles on religious shrines are not left unattended

    Firefighters found the small fire in the ground floor flat which they believe was caused by an electrical fault in fairy lights used on a religious shrine