Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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PN512 - This policy sets out the Brigade’s arrangements when special leave for particular occasions and circumstances may be given and applies to all employees.
PN0847 - This policy provides guidance about the out of London deployment of London Fire Brigade’s (LFB) personnel, vehicles and equipment to support other Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) as part of a national deployment.
PN1008 - The Trade Union facilities arrangements which apply to the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and Fire Officers Association (FOA) are attached as Appendices 1 and 2.
Notice is given that the unaudited statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 has been published on the London Fire Commissioner’s website. The statement of accounts is unaudited and may be subject to change.
These are the Draft Statement of Accounts 2022-23 for London Fire Brigade
This report provides a summary of the work of the London Fire Commissioner’s (LFC) Audit Committee for the year 2022.
This document is London Fire Brigade’s response to the Government consultation sprinklers in care homes, removal of national classes, and staircases in residential buildings which closed in March 2023.
Pay gap data report for 2022 on gender, ethnicity and disability in LFB staff.
PN1005 - This policy sets out the arrangements for supporting staff health and wellbeing and applies to all employees.
The Brigade's plans for the period 2023-29 are set out in the Community Risk Management Plan "Your London Fire Brigade: our plan for 2023-29". There is an accompanying action plan and Assessment of Risk. The CRMP is the Brigade's integrated risk management plan as required by the government's fire and rescue service framework.
This document is the London Fire Brigade’s consultation response to the Government consultation on Emergency Evacuation Information Sharing + which closed in August 2022.
Our record of processing activities (ROPA) is the Brigade's inventory of the personal data processing and provides an overview of what the Brigade is doing with personal data. The recording obligation is stated by article 30 of the GDPR/Data Protection Act. It is a tool to help to help us comply with the Regulation.