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Pension board minutes and reports: immediate detriment.
LFB incident no. 192260101. Cane Hill Hospital. 13 November 2010.
Fire or road traffic collision (RTC) incidents attended at Piccadilly underpass (2016 to 2021).
First Wave Housing, False Alarms, June 2020 to March 2021, 5 and 14 Princess Road NW6 5AL.
101 George Street, Croydon. Fire Safety Audit Outcome (June 2021), Alteration Notice (September 2021) and Record of Consultation (January 2022).
Osprey House, Lynton Road, SE1. Fire Safety Audit outcome (October 2021).
Rodent related electrical fires (2018 to 2021).
Number of employees disciplined for plagiarism
Number of malicious/hoax phone calls received. November 2018 to November 2021.
Number of fire incidents attended at Foreshore and Deptford Strand, SE8 (from 2000 to 2021).
43 Callcott Road, NW6. Fire safety information and Senior Fire Safety Officer (SFSO) report (October 2021).
Number of employees disciplined for plagiarism.