Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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Staffing structure of the Grenfell Tower Investigation & Review Team (Safety & Assurance Directorate)
Structure chart for Corporate Management Team
Organisational staffing structure chart for Central Operations Department (Operations Directorate)
Statement of accounts for LFC for 2018/19 financial year (audited).
PN704 - In order to maintain a professional, corporate image, and to clearly identify them as Brigade staff.
PN515 - Compensatory leave taking arrangements
PN392a - The disciplinary procedure and guidance for uniformed staff, fire and rescue staff, and control staffis attached
The Brigade has to publish annually the amount of trade union facility time granted. Data is published in accordance with the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations, and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.
PN0251 - Station working routines are designed to ensure that officers are able to plan the work which will be undertaken at station level.
The Mayors Office for Policing and Crime (MoPAC) provides internal audit services to LFB. They publish a quarterly list of the agreed actions from internal audit reviews within LFB with updates from the action/risk owners. The action plan shows the status of the outstanding action for 2019/20.
Quarterly financial and performance monitoring information for 2019/20 published in line with a request from the Mayor of London.
This document summarises performance against indicators and targets - set as part of the London Safety Plan - for 2018/19