Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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Details of London Fire and Emergency Pplanning Authority (LFEPA) members’ gifts and hospitality received during their time in office plus expenses claimed. Data is by financial year for previous years but by financial year quarters for the current financial year.
PN888 - This policy advises managers and staff on the process for recording and managing partial attendance.
Former LFEPA scheme of delegation to officers, in accordance with Section 100G of the Local Government Act 1972, setting out the specific and general delegated authority given to officers. [Note current as LFEPA was abolished on 31 March 2018] See LFC Scheme of Governance for current arrangements.
PN556 - This informs all employees of the Authority’s policy on induction.
PN857 - This policy provides guidance about the cross-border deployment of London Fire Brigade’s(LFB) resources to support other fire and rescue services (FRS) immediately surrounding the LFB area.
In these standing orders, 'Directors and Heads of Departments' shall be taken to mean the Commissioner, Directors and Heads of Service which exist as a result of an Authority decision.
PN936 - This policy provides guidance for control room staff on the wearing of uniform.
Statement of Accounts for London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority for financial year 2016/17.
PN568 - The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority is committed to openness and honesty and has an obligation to responsibility and accountability
This document sets out the performance of London Fire Brigade during the 2016/17 financial year.
PN258 - Descriptions of the loudhailers carried on PL’s, FRU’s and Fireboats and explains their operation, maintenance and testing.
The former LFEPA scheme for members’ allowances under to the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003. [Not current since LFEPA was abolsihed on 31 March 2018)