Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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Payments over £250 made by the London Fire Brigade (London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority) in 2017/18
Quarterly financial and performance monitoring information for 2017/18 published in line with a request of the Mayor.
In our audit report for the year ended 31 March 2017 issued on 28 July 2017 we reported that, in our opinion, the financial statements
The London Safety Plan (LSP) covering the four year period from April 2017 to March 2021 (and extended to 2022). The LSP is the Brigade's Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) as required by the government fire and rescue national framework. It sets out how the LFB proposes to make London a safer city. Earlier LSPs are available on this site.
The agreed budget for the former LFEPA showing the revenue and capital budget for 2017/18. Approved by LFEPA in March 2017.
PN815 - This policy outlines the arrangements which the Brigade will make for funerals for current and retired operational staff and for fire and rescue staff (FRS) staff.
PN217 - Guidance on the procedures to be followed in the identification and disposal of surplus, obsolete and/or condemned stock or inventory items.
PN849 - This policy sets out the process for managing the order and delivery of diesel fuel and its use.
PN262 - Forward Mobilising Procedure
Our strategy to embed equality, diversity and inclusion universally throughout the Brigade
PN899 - This policy covers any use of covert surveillance by the Authority outside RIPA.
PN897 - This policy sets out our commitments to continuously improve how we deliver our service.