Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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PN559 - Control Staff Pay Rates
Quarterly financial and performance monitoring information for 2020/21 published in line with a request from the Mayor of London.
PN485 - The ICT acceptable use policy (AUP) sets out policy statements on the use of ICT equipment, ICT services, software, networks and social media.
Our Togetherness Strategy underpins and enables the Transformation Delivery Plan for the Brigade. It sets out how we will achieve our ambitious goals to improve diversity and inclusion across the Brigade for our staff, our communities and for London.
PN311 - The general guidelines of playing volleyball at stations. It also includes a summary table identifying the hazards that currently exist
PN206 - This policy provides guidance to incident commanders on environment issues.
PN0821 - Pay Policy Statement 2024/25
PN863 - This policy applies to the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (the Authority) in relation to sponsorship of its services, facilities or activities.
PN320 - wearing of uniform and personal appearance
PN597 - The overarching policy statement for managing health and safety in the LFB.
LFB in a digital world is London Fire Brigade's information and technology strategy covering the period 2020 to 2023, and updates the strategy published in 2019. It sets out our digital priorities, and will be refreshed annually.
PN677 - Core business of responding to emergencies and providing fire safety prevention and guidance to the community in London.