Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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The period for the exercise of public rights begins at 9am on the 3 June 2019 and will end at 4.30pm on the 12 July 2019.
MoPAC provides Internal Audit services to LFB. They publish quarterly a list of the agreed actions from audit reviews with updates from the action/ risk owners. The action plan shows the status of the outstanding actions for the three LFB Directorates – Operations, Safety & Assurance and Corporate Services.
PN464 - This policy describes the requirements for signage of hazards on Authority Premises, vehicles and equipment and the use of signals within operational procedures.
The agreed budget for the London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade) for 2019/20. Approved by the London Fire Commissioner in March 2019.
LFB in a digital world is London Fire Brigade's information and technology strategy covering the period 2019 to 2022. It sets out our digital priorities, and will be refreshed annually.
PN663 - This document details the policy for reducing the number of attendances to release persons shut in lifts. Appendix 1 provides background information to the policy.
PN514 - This policy is designed to provide fair and consistent arrangements across the Authority for business expenses (see definition below) incurred.
PN666 - This policy provides guidance on how a petty cash float is maintained for the reimbursement of authorised claims.
PN0937 - This policy, which includes a compliance framework and guidance, provides support to the Brigade to achieve compliance with the IR35 provisions in relation to awarding contracts for services to third parties.
PN401 - This policy has been developed within the LFB HS&E management system and is designed to fulfil the requirements of the health and safety (first aid) regulations 1981 and approved code of practice L74.
LFB's Assessment of Local Risks (AoLR) 2017, supported the Brigade's London Safety Plan 2017.