Our publication scheme provides information the Brigade routinely makes available to the public, ensuring transparency and accessibility. This includes:
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PN0756 - This policy describes the hose bridge HCR4s carried on Hose Layer Units (HLU) and explains their use, maintenance and testing.
PN0757 - This policy describes the hose ramp HR3s carried on pump ladders (PLs) and pumps (Ps) and explains their use, maintenance and testing.
PN0758 - This policy describes the water control breeching transported on hose layer units (HLU) and explains its operation maintenance and testing.
This document puts together, in consolidated form, aspects of LFEPA Standing Orders relating to tenders and contracts and includes helpful hints. [Not current as LFEPA was abolished on 31 March 2018]
PN736 - This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of all London Fire Brigade (LFB) staff in relation to the safeguarding of adults who are suffering from, or are at risk of abuse, neglect, or self-neglect.
PN726 - This policy sets out the Brigade’s approach to the vetting of all staff via the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
PN0709 - This policy sets out the Brigade’s arrangements for managing employment and promotion references for employees and external candidates.
PN693 - This policy provides instructions on using and servicing Bristol Uniforms personal protective equipment (PPE) and applies to items supplied under the collaborative PPE contract.
PN676 - This document sets out the Brigade ’s policy regarding flexible retirement provisions which are available under the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations 2013 (The Regulations).
PN0650 - This policy provides information to Brigade staff on the role and function of the Education Team. It sets out the aims and objectives of the Education Team, how it targets risk and provides an outline of the schools education programme and the other activities they support.
PN305 - This policy establishes the roles and responsibilities of LFB staff in relation to the safeguarding of children.
PN0643 - The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for the appropriate storage and removal of hazardous waste from all Brigade premises.